As you might be aware I took part in Wife Carrying World Championship last weekend with Anna who was part of the TV crew that came to make a feature about the competition for the German TV show “Life”. It aired today on RTL in Germany. Great memories and...
I was in the Reuters video for the 24th Wife Carrying World Championship which was broadcasted around the world. Here are some clips from DailyMail and Good Morning...
I appeared in Tuurin kylÀkauppias season 5 episode 7. I took part in the dating segment in the episode. It was an interesting experience to have taken part in a reality TV show. I made new friends and had one of the best dates. It was my first time in Tuurin...
I was mentioned in an article about the political meetup organized by the local cafe in Kemiö in view of the municipal election. ”Kimitoön behöver en...
There was an article about my statement during an all-party political meeting in view of the municipal election held in Dalsbruk in the Ă bo UnderrĂ€ttelser. ”Vardagsrumstenter” pĂ„...