In the press
Mentions of Mohanjith in the pressKimitoöns företagare – Annonsbladet – Finland
It was mentioned in Annonsbladet that I was selected to the Kemiönsaari Entrepreneurs board a deputy member.
“Kimitoön behöver en näringsnämnd” – Ă…U – Finland
I was mentioned in an article about the political meetup organized by the local cafe in Kemiö in view of the municipal election.
”Vardagsrumstenter” pĂĄ Kimitoön – Ă…U – Finland
There was an article about my statement during an all-party political meeting in view of the municipal election held in Dalsbruk in the Åbo Underrättelser.
FrĂĄn Sri Lanka till Kimitoön – Ă…U – Finland
There was an article about me and my candidacy in the upcoming municipal election in the Åbo Underrättelser.
Mer än 5000 besökte September Open – Annonsbladet – Finland
I was mentioned in the article about the September Open event in the local newspaper Annonsbladet. I was in the Vinde co-operative stall encouraging visitors to create business ideas.
Därför valde de Kimitoön – Annonsbladet – Finland
There was an article about why I moved to Kemiönsaari in the local newspaper Annonsbladet. My neighbour, Jani who was doing some renovation work on my house was featured in the same article.