Employment services are a crucial part of municipal responsibilities, aiming to promote residents' employment, improve local workforce availability, and support economic growth.
Integration is a key municipal responsibility, ensuring that all residents can find their place in the community and lead fulfilling lives. Successful integration is not only beneficial for immigrants but also strengthens the overall well-being, economic sustainability, and sense of community within the municipality.
Economic policy is a strategic tool for the municipality, laying the foundation for local economic growth, employment, and well-being.
Traffic and public transport are fundamental pillars of a municipality’s vitality. A well-functioning transportation network and a comprehensive public transport system provide residents with an easy, safe, and environmentally friendly way to travel.
Building supervision is a vital part of municipal operations, ensuring that buildings are designed and constructed safely, with high quality, and in compliance with regulations. A well-functioning building supervision system lays the foundation for comfortable, healthy, and sustainable living environments.
Municipal streets and their maintenance are essential for ensuring the smoothness and safety of residents' daily lives. A well-functioning road network not only facilitates mobility but also supports economic development, improves regional accessibility, and enhances the overall vitality of the municipality.